Helping to support your children's communication and language?

The Early Years Alliance will be running their free online family festival, Home is where the start is, for the second year running!

During this fun family event, which will take place via Zoom, they will share information and advice about how parents and carers of under-fives can support children’s learning and development at home through lots of exciting sessions for them and their children.

This year's event will focus on how parents and carers can support their children's communication and language development, and will include sessions on bilingualism, Makaton and music, movement, rhythm and rhyme ... and and much, much more.

The three-day online festival will run from Thursday 22 February to Saturday 24 February 2024, and parents and carers can book to attend as many or as few free sessions as they like.

Families can sign up for their free sessions at


Supporting parents to 'make the most of every moment'


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